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This site is monitored between 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday. Posting outside these times may occur on occasions in the interest of informing the community. Post, including those containing images, must only be shared within the context of the original post. Images must not be saved or altered.

Frankston City Council encourages discussion via this Facebook page but reserves the right to remove any comment that is deemed spam, including:

• Do not harass, abuse, threaten or discriminate against other Facebook users
• Do not post items that are likely to offend others, including references to an individual or group’s age, disability, gender, political affiliation, race, religion or sexuality
• Do not use obscene or offensive language
• Do not continuously post repeat comments or spam existing posts – this may result in the user being banned permanently from accessing the page
• Do not excessively post or tag Council – this impacts on the ability of others to access the page to engage with Council
• Protect your personal privacy by not publicly posting personal information, such as email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses on Council’s Facebook wall
• Do not post other people’s personal information, including email addresses, phone numbers, number plates and home addresses
• Do not post images which clearly identify your address, or the address of another individual
• Do not post images which may identify an individual/s publically, including Council staff carrying out their duties
• Do not post personal enquiries as they will not be responded to publicly. Council provides more secure options for making personal enquiries, see HERE

Failure to adhere to the above guidelines will result in moderation and potential untagging, banning or post removal. Council is not able to reply to all posts and messages. For more information please contact Council on 1300 322 322.