
My Itinerary

What is the Trip Planner?

The Trip Planner feature is a convenient, easy to use way to plan your next trip to Frankston. You can tailor your own personalised itinerary by adding activities, events and accommodation to the Trip Planner then printing out your itinerary as a PDF or emailing it to yourself or a friend.

You haven't added any items to your Trip Planner yet.


Adding Items to the Trip Planner

On any page you see the "Add to Trip Planner" button, click the button to save that activity, event or accommodation. A small message will pop up on the bottom left hand side of your screen confirming the item has been added.

Using Your Saved Trip Planner Itinerary

The Trip Planner page shows brief details and map location of each item you have added.

You can access your Trip Planner items at any time by clicking -

  • The red Trip Planner text link on the bottom left of the main banner image (visible from all pages) –  this link also shows the number of items you have saved
  • The red 'View and print brochure' button which pops up in the message when you add an item

Click the "Download Itinerary PDF" to save and print your trip planner items.

Click the "Send to a Friend" button to email yourself or a friend a PDF copy of your trip planner items.